
Day of inspiration

apr 26, 2015

On April 24, Jaxbird AB invited 50 specially selected special people and key decision makers in the private and public sectors to an inspiration day; “How you can face future challenges – Challenge the Gap”.

Our goal for the day was to give participants inspiration and through some practical examples explain how we and our customers have found ways to reduce the gap to achieve positive changes.

Our guest speaker, Dag Lotsander, held an interesting session on “Lean – from insight to action” based on his more than 20 years of leadership experience at Toyota in Sweden and internationally.

The other passes that raised new thoughts and reflections were:
• Jaxbirds pieces of the puzzle for success, Lars Blomberg
• Communication and leadership, Christina Haugsöen
• Vulnerability in society and work, Anders Rodrick

The day ended with a cup of coffee and an invitation to later participate in a cruise in Karlstad archipelago.